the looser said, "my luck today was really bad.... you luck, very good."
the winner said, "this is the first time i won so much... normally i was like your today."
luck normally is timing, and in life, more bad timings happen than good timings.... most of these bad timings would not hurt you, they only irks you, like missing a bus, looosing your phone.... so no need to get frustrated over it any longer than you should. for the really 'bad' bad timings, like loosing your job, loosing something dear.... not getting promoted... the trick is DON'T BET ALL YOU HAVE ONTO ANY DEAL, you have to have enough 'capital' to go though it.... to afford the really goog timing to come by. it will come, you have to last out for it.
also who know your bad luck turns out to be good - like this guy who missed the ealier mrt which was packed with passengers, and the next one he got on was totally empty..... need to say more what luck actually is?
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