
Sunday, February 21, 2010

woods - swinging is the word

Pastor Tan publicly apologised for demeaning another religion, Mr Toyoda apologised for the screwed up the car recalls, Tiger did it last Friday for cheating his wife.

Some public apology is imperative, like pastor Tan. But he needed not to do anything after the apology. In fact he should refrain from doing what he did before. Some public apology is a must and also apology alone is not enough, the apologiser MUST do something to rectify the situation, like Mr Toyoda. After he apologized, he had to work on improving Toyota's quality control. Some public apology is not needed, nor anything needed to be done to appease the public, like the Tiger Woods' case.

He did nothing wrong vis a vis the public, and the public did not demand any apology from him. But the press did. Howevr we must discern that the press is not just the public, though the press always thinks that they ARE the public. They demanded apology from Woods, with the vested hatred against him because he didn't treat them well; in other words - he didn't patronize to their egoistic psyche.

The Tiger Woods case demonstrated once more, the press is not that impartial! They look after first and foremost their own welfare.

marathon man apologize once. and the apology was not accepted whole heartedly because maybe she did not think marathon man was sincere in his apology, or she already had given up hope in him.

anyway, he had done his part; an imperative part indeed. though she didn't show her acceptance, at least she got the victor's feeling that, "see, you know you did wrong, now trying to make it up. i would not be that easy to appease."

after so many years, the trust still not exactly there yet, though, things have become better.

donald trump called up woods, "no need public apology. just do whatever you think is best, and let GOD take care of the consequences. what are yo afraid of? loosing your wife? then if she doesn't love you anymore, what good is there to retain her? loosing your children? that's the zist of the problem. you have to use whatever you have to convince your wife to settle this amicably."

woods said, "i live on advices from my sponsers. and they said, i should apologize."

"no need to live on anybody's advice. you are rich enough to retire any time and be a very happy man, without these sponsers."

"no so.... no so rich that i can afford a divorce...."

"why not?"

"i cannot stomach the idea that whatever i earned, i have to split half to the woman who is the mother of my 2 kids but not wanting to be my wife. if i did so, i will eat my heart out."

"come on. cut yoruself some slack. just take it like taking an expansive lesson. learn from it, so next time, you are protected."


"don't get married, improve your swing. be a swinging golfer cum playboy."

- woods should apologise for apologising, because his 1st apology was uncalled for, or some press people said, his 1st apology was not sincere. either way, he has to apologise again.

what can he do?

no problem, A PAW LOGIC is what tiger believes in, anyway.

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