
Sunday, January 3, 2010

east coast - democracy

east coast - to a singaporean, it's like new york's central park to a new yorker.

the sun half exposed from some grey and some dark clouds. people came out in hoards, malay, chinese, indian, caucasian, filipino, mainland chinese, hongkongi, indonesian, thai, burmese, sri lankan, pakistan, japanese, korean, malaysian, taiwanese.... like the un.

the wind quite strong, making wind surfing, para-skiing, boat sailing a breeze for a lot fo peole. fishing also quite a sport. swimming - not to many people though. camping, people liked it.

marathon man's fren, ah nancy said, "sooner or later, singaporeans will be a minority in their own country."

"so does democracy still valid, then?"

"you mean, the minority is controlling the majority, and that's not democratic?"

"what do you think?"

"well, if it's the case then, democracy is eating its own tail. the gahmen, which is elected democratically by the people, allows the foreigners to come in until the locals are outnumbered, and turns democracy on its head..."

"there's no such thing as true democracy, in the first place..... even if the majority rules, within the ruling circle, a minority few and most probably, only one person is calling the shot."

"but, if that person calls the wrong shots, he could be booted out the next election."

"not necessary, if he knows how to play his card."


"many ways - one of which is to give voting rights and other rights that the citizens have to the foreigners."

"in fact, democracy is not good. if its good, then there'll be no corporations in this world. do you see any corporation in this world runs according to any democratic proncipal, where the management is voted in by the employees? if a place as small as a company cannot be run democratically, much more not so for something like a nation."

"you are saying democracy is just an empty slogan?"

"empty in fact, only used as a excuse to try to rein in the developing nations by the western developed nations, just like what human right is used as an excuse for the west to remind the east that they are still the king of the world."

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