
Friday, January 1, 2010

yishun park - what problem?

binary 010110 is 20 in decimal.

there's 20 things for this year marathon man wants to do...

1. listen to more music
2. don't force your swing - relax, slow back swing, swing thru
3. eat what you like, less nite munching, no salt, much less sugar.
4. drink little
5. make as frequent humps
6. give more
7. sleep when time is ripe, don't force open the eyes to indulge in writing, watching tv, surfing
8. get a memory up
9. get memory device
10. get memory assist
11. get memory herbs
12. get memory enhancer course
13. get memory reminder calender
14. get memory supplements
15. get memory expert visit
16. get memory help book
17. get memory enhancement juice
18. get memory retention methods
19. get memory enhancement tape
20. get out of here! my memory got problem meh? no lah. if yes, how come i don't know one?

he could only remember 7 things to do, and the rest he really needed a lot of help to remember. meanwhile, he made sure he fixed his problem before he became senile, and useless.

just as he was quite confident about his memory, since he has been trying to improve his memory, by taking many memory supplements this morning, he got lost in middle of yishun town.

he visited north-point. was surprised to see that it had expanded quite a lot at the back of the building. as other shopping malls, food shops made up almost half of the tenants. why not? look at the people crowding aorund the food shops, as if there's no tomorrow.

there was this new concept on the third floor where at end of the floor, the whole space was dedicated to sell japanese food like what you find in the street in shinchaibashi in osaka, where different stalls selling different street food.

then there this new chinese restaurant yasim which looks more modern than dingtaifung, and serve food in western utensils, and portions, like fusion presentation.

he bot a bottle of 'lou hna kuo', then a bowl of 'snow-fungus' dessert, as his lunch. then he came out to yishun central road, somehow went into yihsun ave 11, saw the lake, and was curious to see a small hill infront. so he went up to check out. it was yishun park.... that's where he got confused. he thot he had come here before, infact, this was the first time he visited the park. the last times, he visited yishun town garden, and the small park on the hill at teh junction of yishun ave 7 and yishun ave 2. he thot it was the latter that he's stepping on..... and got lost in the surrounding trying to find ave 6. the park had its own character in that, some trees were tagged with their names, and there's a lot of tall trees, even durian trees. and many small tree-lets were planted in the empty spaces......

finally after some back and forth circling the area, he found it and ran toward ave 7. along the way in ave 6, he met a lot of foreign worker, mostly indian workers, before he came to their dormitory along ave 6 before the ave 9.

he went to yishun industry park a, just to see what had changed after so many years he left his last company located in this place. it had expanded, added on one smaller building beside the bigger one.

he went toward ave 7, to the east, trying to explore the un-explored forest, but was blocked by a gate, with the sign saying that, this' a protected area.

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