
Monday, March 1, 2010

face - the mouth

a person's face is never symmetrical. why? because the left side of the face mirrors the right brain and the right face mirrors the left brain, and we know the right brain is different from the left brain.

the most obvious facial asymmetry feature is how the mouth is placed in the whole of the face. many people have the mouth tilted to one side. some more than others. why?

the mouth is the organ that is the projection of our ego. and we know a person's perception of his existence is his ego. how much ego a person has normally is echoed thru the way the person speaks.... is he a non-stop talker(a person whose ego needs others attention), a person who is reticent(confident of his own existence), a person who shouts(do not commands others' respect, need to put a lot of effort to get himself across), a person who speaks with authority(one whose doesn't use his mouth to convince people, but rather his presence).....

a person who mouth is tilted left means his right brain is more active than his left. he's a very logical and mechanical person with little feelings and artistic inclination. whereas if his mouth is pulled to the right, he's an artistic person, romantic.....

how about one whose mouth is right smack in the centre of the face - his left and brain is balanced..... and he has problem to make a decision - his right and left brains are always at odds to decide what action to take to any stimulus - a tragic!

frens - your mouth not only talks, it tells what you are.

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