lower selelar reservoir dyke has its charm and appeal. on weekday, not many people come. he has to complete his photo shoot here after going to the lower seletar reservoir park last sunday.
an old worker is curious after he took a picture for him. he says, "new thing now in taking picture ah... can erase if no good?"
"ya... uncle. you also know ah?"
"no lah, my son told me one. he has a camera like yours also. everyday take pictures. like real like that. anybody can be expert hah?"
"cannot lah. for me, just play play only. expert must learn a lot of things."
"you know, he wake up picture, eat also take picture, go work take his camera also, come back, go out and take pictures until 12 midnite.... buy many lenses... he said he got LBA...."
"what's that?"
"he said - lens buying addcition... you got or not..."
"me... lenses very expensive... want to buy also must think twice. just bot some cheap manual ones only."
"why buy so many lenses?"
"every lens is different... especially when you want your picture better and better, better lens will give better picture."
"is it? i thot photography is not about equipment, but about the photographer? it's about the subject, composition and lighting that the photographer has to grapple with?"
"who said one? if no good equipment, how to take good photo? the photographer can conjure up the most evocative subject, the best compsition under the most ideal lighting.... if his equipment sucks, then everything is down the drain."
"i don't know, i heard my other fren who is also a photographer, talking to my son, advicing him to put more effort into his technique....."
"and what did your son said?"
"he question my fren - when you can take a bicycle to work, then why you drive a car? "