
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NDP46 - a wish

the most-expensive president attended his last NDP.... ushering in the watershed in singapore politics - terminating the say-what-you-like-it's-always-the-PAP-that-counts political atmosphere.

the nite did not culminate in any climax, not even the fireworks.

perhaps, the floating stage is really too small for a big occasion like the NDP. so where's the new stadium? the former sports minister screwed it up. but he did not have to pay a cent for his incapability, and now he's promoted to be in charge of the longkangs....

the old man did say, that's the best they could do on the longkangs; floods come, too bad, deal with it your own way.....

but pm did not seem to buy his old man's outdated idea..... the longkang has divided the old politics and the new.

.....hopefully - a wish for this NDP!

(longkang = ditches and drains)

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